Help your kids to learn all the essentials of the Arabic language with this set of printable Arabic alphabet worksheets that we have collected from the best resources. These printable Arabic alphabet worksheets are provided in the best printable quality that you can print for your kids! These worksheets consist of Arabic alphabet exercises to evaluate children’s skills and ability in writing Arabic alphabets. The exercises involve tracing and writing worksheets. Scroll down to check out all the alphabet charts and worksheets available below.

Arabic Alphabet For Kids

Arabic Alphabet For Kids
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The Arabic alphabet consists of 28 letters that are used to write several languages. The letters are written from right to left. The following Arabic alphabet worksheets include writing each of these extraordinary letters. These worksheets also enable students to put the letters together to form Arabic words. Use these sheets to practice Arabic handwriting.

Arabic Alphabet Practice

Arabic Alphabet Practice
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Arabic Alphabet Printable

Arabic Alphabet Printable
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Ask your kids to join the dots and continue by themselves. These Arabic alphabet worksheets teach how to join the Arabic letters when they are at the beginning, middle and end of words. The letters are written on lines to teach the positioning of letters when writing. They are free to download and print, so go ahead and use them to improve your children’s Arabic handwriting! Fill the missing Arabic letters to practice the Arabic tracing letters and learn the Arabic letters.

Tracing Arabic Alphabet

Tracing Arabic Alphabet
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Writing Arabic Alphabet

Writing Arabic Alphabet
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Arabic Alphabet Worksheet

Arabic Alphabet Worksheet
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This quiz/worksheet was made to test your knowledge of the alphabet used to write in Arabic. You will amaze yourself at how fast your kids can pick it up. To teach children how properly write Arabic letters, don’t forget to print these worksheets! You can also find other interesting and fun worksheets in the other posts on this site by browsing through the keyword-based on the category or tagged posts!

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