Here you’ll find basketball crossword puzzles that you can use to test your student’s grasp of basketball vocabulary. Students will circle the correct word from the multiple-choice options for each definition. This crossword worksheets section contains free printable basketball worksheets that teachers can use at home or with their students. To solve the word search puzzle, you must find all of the words which relate to Basketball. The crossword puzzles are available in the following images below.

basketball crossword puzzle activity

basketball crossword puzzle activity
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Basketball is a fun sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, from preschool to grade school and beyond. Basketball printables are perfect for doing after school, at a restaurant, long car ride, or anywhere the child may have some time. Parents may print some of these basketball crossword puzzles for their kids to use at home. The following basketball crosswords are excellent activities for kids to enjoy their favorite sport.

easy basketball crossword puzzle

easy basketball crossword puzzle
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free basketball crossword puzzle

free basketball crossword puzzle
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Working on crossword puzzles can also be a great way to pass the time. If you’re one of those people who just easily get bored, you’ll be glad to do these worksheets as time unconsciously passes by. These worksheets can also be used to review concepts and vocabulary related to the sport of basketball. Students can review basketball terminology with this crossword containing basketball-related clues. Whether you are learning terms about basketball or trying to improve your own vocabulary, these crosswords are a great source of new words. The clues tell you much about how the word is to be used, too. More basketball crosswords are available below.

fun basketball crossword puzzle

fun basketball crossword puzzle
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printable basketball crossword puzzle

printable basketball crossword puzzle
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Using the clues provided, fill in the crossword puzzle with the correct words. Your goal is to fill in the white squares with a letter, to form a word, which will give you the answer. Teachers may print them at school as part of a lesson plan in class. Just print and enjoy. We also have a selection of other games and puzzles for kids, just browse more!

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