Today we present you the printable version of Hangman word games to keep your kids interested and occupied. This classic pencil and paper game is great for spending leisure time, and you can get your kids learning more vocabulary and spelling. Use these printable hangman templates to play the traditional word-guessing game of hangman. The hangman sheets are available in the picture list below. All pictures are free to download and print.

Blank Hangman Word Game
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Hangman is a fun game that combines playing and learning. This game is a paper and pencil guessing game for two or more players. One player thinks of a word, phrase or sentence and the other players try to guess it by suggesting letters within a certain number of guesses. The word to guess is represented by a row of dashes, representing each letter of the word. In most variants, proper nouns, such as names, places, and brands, are not allowed. The printed hangman games are easy for parents to keep in a purse or even a pocket for times when the kids are bored while waiting somewhere. Find more templates in the images below.

Hangman Word Game for Kids
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Hangman Word Game Templates
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Keep the kids occupied while waiting with printable games. This classic game can also assist a child in obtaining a sight word vocabulary. This is a fun game that can reinforce the sight words your child is currently learning. Several printable game pages of short and easy games to keep kids entertained.

Hangman Word Game Worksheet
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Printable Hangman Word Game
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There’s nothing easier than to print some paper games to keep your kids busy. Printable games are great to go anywhere. Teachers can also use these paper games to go on bus trips, indoor recess, or just free time when work is completed early. Click on the image to get the hangman sheet!