Running out of time and you need to make a box to pack your gift for your friends’ party? Don’t worry, we have a set of printable box templates with cute designs that you can choose on this page. These printable paper boxes are fabulous for gifts, party favors, decorations, or other containers. Make your own gift box in 5 minutes with these box templates. Heart-shaped, cube-shaped, bag-shaped, and more are available for you to choose!

Box Template Maker
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The box template above is a typical paper box. You just need to download and print the template that you have chosen provided on this page. There are also box templates with lid, for example, a shoebox or a board game box. The paper you use will determine how sturdy your box will be. You can make decorative boxes from regular paper, such as for Christmas tree decorations or strings of party decorations. Do not use paper that is too heavy as it will make it more difficult to fold the template.

Cute Box Template
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Gift Box Template
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For gift boxes, however, it’s best to use heavy construction paper, cardboard, or cardstock. If you are going to make a box from material too thick or stiff to run through your printer, you can print out the template on plain white printer paper, then paste or tape it to the stiffer material and cut around the template. It’s really just as simple and easy!

Heart Box Template
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Rectangle Box Template
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There is also a heart designed box template just like the one posted above. This heart container looks really sweet and is great for Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, or other romantic occasions. With these gorgeous printable boxes, all you need is a home printer! Personalize the labels with your own message!