Teach and introduce your first grade kids about fact families to help them master the skills of addition and subtraction. Counting using fingers takes time, and learning fact families allows your child to begin adding and subtracting faster in his head. The first grade fact family worksheets are provided in the following images below.
These first grade fact family worksheets are perfect for practicing how to build the fact family sets for the given numbers for addition and subtraction as well as multiplication and division in the future. This method of counting saves them time and will effectively help them to move up to higher math skill. Printable fact family worksheets for addition and subtraction facts are also available below.
Our set of printable fact family worksheets can be used to either assess their children’s mastery of basic math facts or to give students extra math practice. Download and print this collection of printable fact family worksheets for testing children in their ability to build fact families based on their understanding of number relationship. Make these worksheets as your kids’ basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division drill worksheets. Click on one of the worksheets to view and print the worksheets.
This fact family activity sheet gives your children the opportunity to show how much they’ve learned about numbers relationship. Learning about fact families can increase the speed at which your child is able to complete addition and subtraction problems. Print these worksheets for your kids to help setting the stage for learning about multiplication fact families later on! We hope that in the future, they will also be able to study and see the relationship between multiplication and division!