Having vision problems? Looking for printable Snellen charts to test your eyesight? This time we have prepared for you high quality and best Snellen charts to be saved and printed. These Snellen charts are provided in a variety of types that you can choose based on your personal needs. Check out these charts in the pictures presented as follows.
When you visit the doctor for the checkup, he or she may ask you to read an eye chart. That is the Snellen chart. Just like the examples that we have on this page. The chart was developed by Dutch eye doctor Hermann Snellen in the 1860s. There are many variations of the Snellen eye chart, but in general, they show 11 rows of capital letters. The top row contains one letter. The other rows contain letters that are progressively smaller. Below you will find several variations of printable Snellen eye charts you can download and print for home use to determine your visual acuity.
If you can read the bottom row of letters, your visual acuity is very good. Eye charts can be configured in various ways, but generally, if during an eye test you can read the big E at the top but none of the letters lower than that, your vision is considered 20/200. At 20/200, your visual acuity is very poor. If you need to exam your near vision, you should print the pages of the free eye chart.
Simply click on the image to the right, and your download will begin. You can use this eye chart to check your entire family’s vision. Make sure to pick the right eye chart below based on your paper size and desired eye chart distance!