These tenths and hundredths worksheets provide introductory exercises for converting fractions to and from decimals. We have several decimal place value challenge sheets with a range of place value problems to solve. On this page, you will find worksheets on decimal values ​​of tenths up to hundredths; write a decimal number given its name, read the decimal places, tenths, hundredths on the number line, order, and round decimals. To practice Math skills, there is nothing more effective than solving spreadsheets. Our free, printable, downloadable worksheets help you practice math concepts and improve your analytical and problem-solving skills. We have 5 printable math worksheets for each topic in the tutorial. Check out and download the worksheets provided in the following images!

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tenths and hundredths worksheet chart

tenths and hundredths worksheet chart
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Tenths and hundredths are place values that represent a very small quantity. The numbers after the decimal point come under these place values. The first digit after a decimal point is the tenth position and the number following the tenth value presumes the place value of hundredth. When we say one-tenth, we are terming one part of the number 10 which is 1/10 infraction and 0.1 in decimal form. One hundredth is one part of the number 100 which is 1/100 infraction and 0.001 in decimal form. These tenths and hundredths worksheets and lessons help students learn how to work with denominators that have values that are either tenths or hundredths.

tenths and hundredths worksheet decimals

tenths and hundredths worksheet decimals
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tenths and hundredths worksheet grade 4

tenths and hundredths worksheet grade 4
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Rounding, comparing, and ordering decimals worksheets allow students to gain more comfort with decimals before they move on to performing operations with decimals. There are many operations with decimals worksheets throughout the page. It would be a really good idea for students to have a strong knowledge of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division before attempting these questions.

tenths and hundredths worksheet grade 5

tenths and hundredths worksheet grade 5
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tenths and hundredths worksheet

tenths and hundredths worksheet
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These decimals worksheets are great for teaching children to round decimal numbers to the nearest tenths and hundredths. Find more decimals and fraction worksheets on this site by browsing through our categories!

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