Check out our new collection of free and printable uppercase alphabet charts for your kids to use in learning alphabets. We provide a set of options that let you select exactly the alphabet poster that suits your kids’ liking. From the straight to curved letters, all are there for you! Just click on the image to download the letter charts!

Cursive Upper Case Alphabet

Cursive Upper Case Alphabet
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Using this set of uppercase alphabet charts, try to see if a child can identify all of the uppercase letters correctly. These printable uppercase alphabet templates will be a great media in learning alphabets. Assist your kids to recognize capital letter alphabets by giving them these free and printable upper case alphabet templates! You can save or download these alphabet posters then copy and laminate each page to use as alphabet posters at home.

Fun Upper Case Alphabet

Fun Upper Case Alphabet
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Lower and Upper Case Alphabet

Lower and Upper Case Alphabet
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Print these templates in large size and paste it on your kids’ desk or wall so that your children can see it every time they are studying in their room. After you introduced the capital letter to your kids, give them some examples of how to use certain letters in the capital in a word. You can also give them tracing sheets with capital letters in it to train your kids in writing the letters. The worksheets are also available in many various designs that you can find on this site. More templates of uppercase letter sheets are posted in the following images.

Upper Case Alphabet Chart

Upper Case Alphabet Chart
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Upper Case Alphabet in Colors

Upper Case Alphabet in Colors
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Improve the writing skill of your children by saving all these capital letters worksheets! Don’t forget to also check out our capital letter worksheets for children to practice the capital letters in a fun-filled manner. Just click and print!

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